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PoPRocks (formerly known as 'WoPoP') is an ongoing series in the NYC area for early career researchers - typically grad students, postdocs, people who got their PhD within the last few years, advanced undergrads etc. - working on philosophy of psychology/mind/perception/cognitive science/neuroscience/... .   We usually meet roughly once every 2-3 weeks to informally discuss a draft paper by one of our members.  Typically presenters send a copy of their paper around 1 week in advance, so do join the mailing list (by emailing or one of the organizers) or email to ask for a copy of the paper.  We aim for a friendly, constructive discussion with the understanding that the drafts discussed are typically work in progress.

Organizers Fall 2019

Stephan Pohl (NYU) -

Presenters Fall 2019


Other Chapters of PoPRocks
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